You Are What You Watch: How Creators Shape Who We Are

Some say you’re the sum of your 5 closest friends. Your qualities, your behavior, and the way you speak are heavily influenced by them. I’d say these days because of our habits and easy access to information, we’re rather becoming the sum of the 5 closest creators we observe. And given the power of influence some of them have (including ourselves), this can be either a blessing or a curse. Your choice. And it seems like an easy one. In reality, though, it’s harder than it looks.

The Influence of Your Content Consumption

Let's start with the basics – what you watch matters. Same as your parents, or grandparents kept reading newspapers while sipping a morning black coffee, to get the information, to create their own opinions and eventually the whole worldview, you do exactly the same on the internet. The same as they got emotional about some topics, and picked up their favorite columnist (not by accident charismatic and convincing), you react in the same way, you’re being influenced and changed by the people who speak to you (and not so rarely they speak at you).

Whether it's YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or the next big thing on the web, the content you consume has a direct impact on your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Think of it like this: every video you watch, every post you scroll past – it's all shaping who you are, one view at a time.

Now, you might be thinking, "But how does watching a few videos here and there really affect me?" Well, the thing is, it's all about the cumulative effect. Over time, the creators you watch become a part of your everyday life. They form your routines, they join you in your good and bad habits. When you relax, when you worry, when you’re sad, afraid. Whatever you feel, they’re next to you. Their words are often unintentionally boosted by the emotions you’re feeling while listening or watching them. The way you talk, the way you feel, the way you see the world become partially the way they talk, feel, and see the world.

You know, the influence has always been quite powerful in history. The whole political propaganda is essentially a form of influencing. It’s then incredibly important to choose wisely who you want to be influenced by.

The Power of Connection

One of the biggest reasons why your favorite creators matter is the sense of connection they provide. Whether it's through humor, inspiration, or shared interests, watching your favorite creators can make you feel like you're a part of something bigger than yourself. We’re naturally craving connections; we want to know that we’re not alone in this world. In fact, because something is relatable to us, we often feel more aligned with someone.

Think about it – when you watch a creator who shares your passions and values, it's like finding a kindred spirit in a sea of strangers. You feel seen, understood, and validated in a way that's hard to find elsewhere. And you’re immediately hooked.

One thing that creators need to understand, and I hope you’ll agree with me, is that their power comes with a great responsibility. Yeah, it sounds trivial and maybe even quite obvious, but… Imagine, if people go to consume your content while feeling sad or while having a stressful day, it works sort of like another form of therapy for them. It serves as a mental aid. I’ve seen many times on YouTube, for instance, comments on different channels that someone had found peace and joy in a particular video. These comments are often heartbreaking and wholesome at the same time. And the creator that has this kind of power at their hands, should be careful of what his words can do to the world. They can heal, and they can cause harm.

The connection can be uplifting, but it also can throw a fragile soul into a pit of despair.

Learning from the Best

My favorite point on why our favorite creators matter is the opportunity for learning and growth they can give us. Some of them are sharing their life hacks, which is pretty cool. Some of them are offering advice, or sharing their experiences that we might learn from (similar as we’re learning from other people's mistakes). And, lastly, many of them have free knowledge in a snackable format. This can be a huge leverage in any area of your life, but also for your content.

By watching creators who inspire you and challenge you to think differently, you're opening yourself up to new perspectives and ideas. You might discover a new passion, learn a new skill, or gain the confidence to pursue your dreams – all thanks to the content you consume.

And, what I like the most, you’re getting something to talk about. With your loved ones, friends, and maybe your audience. Normally, you would grab a book, but here you’re getting a gist, an intriguing thought, something to explore, an anchor point. You might oppose, you might agree, but the best thing is - you’re being stimulated in a good way. And if you’re influenced in the process, you’re at least learning something new.

Just maybe check their facts once in a while - people and ChatGPT can write anything.

Diverse Your Content

Just like in real life, it's essential to surround yourself with a diverse range of voices and perspectives. Same as we cannot satisfy everyone, we cannot agree with everyone. But it’s worth knowing why someone’s consistently saying something. It’s worth knowing a different side of the fence. I, for once, have followed a creator that I naturally disagree with the way he approaches time management and productivity and I’d even say he supports hustle culture, which I personally hate. So why bother? The perspective, while being completely different from mine, creates this spark of inspiration to talk about, to have a debate with my inner self, and then maybe with someone who might want to listen.

With different backgrounds, cultures, and ways of living life, you're broadening your horizons and challenging your own biases. For the good, trust me.

Let’s make the record straight - diversity isn't just about representation. This is the bad definition fostered by companies that want to be inclusive in every possible way, even if it hurts people in the process. Diversity is about empathy, understanding, and building a more open world and safe place to express yourself. So, next time you're scrolling through your feed, take a moment to consider if the creators you're watching are triggering your thought process. Maybe it’s time to seek something fresh. Make an effort to seek out voices that are different from your own to become a better creator yourself.

Curating Your Content Diet

Now that you know why your favorite creators matter, let's focus on how you can curate what you’re consuming so that you become the person you aspire to be. Start by taking a look at the creators you're currently watching and ask yourself: do they inspire me? Do they challenge me? Do they reflect my values? How do they make me feel? Do I leave relaxed and hopeful after seeing their content, or do I hate the world and feel pessimistic about the future?

Some topics will be difficult to feel indifferent to, and at some point, every creator who is open about the world will span a discussion that creates discomfort. But is this discomfort leaving you with something more than just a feeling of resentment? Are you feeling down or rather motivated to make a change? There’s a difference between talking about tough topics with compassion and understanding vs. ranting and blaming the world for everything that’s happening. And, ultimately, ending up saying that we’re living in the worst times possible, whereas it’s actually quite the opposite if you reflect on, for example, the recent 200 years of history.

Keep on watching and soaking up the good energy instead. The hope, the knowledge, the words of kindness. But if you find yourself feeling drained or uninspired by the content you're consuming, it might be time to shake things up. To hit that unfollow button. To walk away, while you’re still not mentally exhausted. Because you will be eventually if you stay still. In the end, even if I hit the gym and gain finally some muscles, I’d still be at times a fragile creature. This is completely human.

Also, as a bonus point, experiment with different genres, explore new platforms and remember that the content you consume should serve you. It’s easy to forget. Your content consumption is entirely within your control as long as you keep being self-aware, so choose wisely.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, your favorite creators aren't just there to entertain you – they're shaping who you are, one video at a time, one wholesome comment after another. By surrounding yourself with creators who inspire you, challenge you, and reflect your values, you're making yourself powerful, and eventually becoming someone who you aspire to be. Maybe that fitness girl, or a mindful creator you’d always dreamt to be.

So, go ahead – watch that TED Talk, binge-watch that home decor channel, or get lost in that documentary series. Your favorite creators are waiting to take you on a journey of discovery, thought-provoking debates, and self-expression.


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